Tuesday, June 15, 2010

"I'd risk the fall, just to know how it feels to fly..."

It is extremely difficult to allow oneself to embrace mistakes in order to get to the ultimate destination. I don't know if I have ever been put in a position where this were to happen. If I ever do, “If I fly with the wings of dawn and alight beyond the sea, even there your hand will guide me, your right hand hold me fast.” (Psalm 139: 9-10). That's would be the perfect way to fly. I love the independence and the freedom felt while know there is something always there to protect me. Just like my family. I guess, maybe I'm also afraid of birds because there is that element to flying off; and yet, that is what intrigues me about them. The fact that that goal can me reached, going out there and just doing it. Going wherever life leads you. Feeling the wind all around me and know that presence is there is so powerful. Just know that it's there. 

Haha, all this from an Alicia Keys quote from Eric Trieu's facebook and how I would like flying as my superpower if I got to pick one. Oh dear. 

"Cause everyone deserves the chance to FLY!" -"Defying Gravity," Wicked

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