Friday, August 27, 2010

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Sandy Shores

I had an amazing day at the beach filled with wonderful people! First of this photo is of Colleen Le and I from our JV volleyball photo and today. I look exactly the same, just without braces haha. I loved talking with Nga, boogie boarding with Eric and Seimon. Too bad Eric didn't catch any waves! I hope he learns how soon. I also had a great time shaking my "donk" with Colleen, as she laid on me, boob hitting with Linda, and countless other things. Smores....mmummm.....

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

A great video on the different fashions in America’s past.

Old Lady Dresses

Old Lady Dresses are by far one of my favorite things. I think I started last summer when I began reading different blogs. I am so glad that the past couple of weeks my mom has been taking me to thrift stores and buying me the cutest vintage things ever. Jumpsuits, blouses, shoes, and these dresses! Thank God everything at the Salvation Army was fifty percent off when we went. I'm so excited; I feel so elegant when I wear them, but I still need to get rid of that thrift store old smell. Eventually most of my wardrobe will consist of things not from my generation. That's the goal anyways.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

American Graffiti

So last night I watched American Graffiti for the second time in a week. It is currently number 4 on my list of favorite movies!

Why is it one of my favorite movies? Well, it's everything I love! The setting is California 1962 and is based of George Lucus's teenage years. Yes you heard right, the genius George Lucus, the one with that came up with the Start Wars Saga. The things which I totally love are the cute outfits (which I plan to someday make my wardrobe look like along with a bunch of dresses from the '50s), vintage cars, and some badass! haha. When I watched this movie I couldn't believe how many songs I knew! They were all oldies from my dad's collection that I love. Songs like Sixteen Candles, Love Potion No 9, and The Great Pretender.

Isn't this photo so darling? I just adore Laurie, but I can't see her being a head cheerleader. That has nothing to do with the plot. It was only mentioned once. Some of the black and white photos online are confusing me since I saw the film in color.

My favorite story of the movie is John and Carol's. At first I didn't like John at all cause he doesn't look too good in the beginning. However, being stuck with "Judy's sister," was such a cute little story and his greaser look and hot shot as the fastest racer in town made me just love John.

Harrison Ford! Who doesn't love Harrison Ford!? Oh, I wish I got to catch of glimpse of him at Comic-Con but didn't get to. He was so handsome.

The genius himself, back in the day, with his USC jacket.

Oh, and if anyone has £79.00 they'd like to give me for this canvas, feel free!