Friday, March 5, 2010

"We're not spirited my ass." -Julie Dao

I feel like we had to go through an abortion with the dance. All the lovin' and preparing was made for the day we went to labor and now all that hard work has gone to waste. What is up with me and all this labor talk all day today? I think it has to do with the birth of Jim and Pam's daughter. I mean, I talked to Mr. Biggs about breast feeding and the tearing of the vagina and now I'm making an analogy with abortion and the spring dance? I am so weird. At least I had a great time going all out for this spirit week.

Monday March 1, 2010--Dr. Seuss Day

Tuesday March 2, 2010--Disney Day

Wednesday March 3, 2010--'90s Day

Cathy is the best '90s girl ever. Admit it, we all know you had the middle part too.

Thursday March 4, 2010--Fairy Tale Day


I felt like a mix of Cinderella/the fairy godmother due to the color of my dress, which I got from being in a wedding years ago. This was also the day Julie and I spent the entire day working on The Girls' Room's new decorations. We will end up victorious in the war against VNC Headquarters.

Friday March 5, 2010--Class Colors

AP Calc Moment of the Day: Image of Van Grove lying on the ground with one of his spasms, while Leo stares and laughs.

The quote in my planner for this week deals with direction, and it is something I need to learn.

"When you are in doubt of a decision or which path to follow, stay stil and take time to listen to your heart and your intuition." -Charlotte Diamond

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