Monday, December 21, 2009

A December to Remember

My goodness, what a month. From dinners, to mean girls, to shopping to parties, this month flew by. This entire week there was never a dull moment. Saturday December 19th I had so much going on. First there was Becca’s Night in Bethlaham. The little kids were so cute but after staying at the census for a while got kinda boring.

My afternoon was spent at Pat & Oscars with Core Team. I got there thirty minutes late but when I did arrive everyone was like “Tracey!” and I felt so loved. Sarah and I managed to sneak away during the White Elephant game to pet these adorable puppies outside. Gosh, they were so cute. What would be a Core Team party without Big Booty!?! So of course, we played and I lost my earing, which I’m really sad about, but then again, it’s just an earing.

Because of Core Team, I was a bit late to the ASB Christmas Party at Mr and Mrs. Jensen’s, but that was alright because there was still a lot of people who came after me. Their house is huge! Their refridgurator can fit like 10 of me inside! That night was so much fun. We played churraides, opened our Secret Santa gifts (where Sara’s gifts had a theme of “black”), played wooden spoons and twister, and just a whole lot. I was extremely weird that night, but it was all fun. Mr and Mrs. J’s house has a lovely view from the backyard, and just sitting out there, watching life pass by, I couldn’t be more thankful for my life.

Then today I went to the American Apparel Rumage sale downtown with my mom! She spent a lot of monies and I felt really bad but at least the 21 items she got was for my dad, brother, cousins, and not just for me. I saw Rachel and Jackie there and we stood in line with each other for like an hour before it opened. But gee, my mom is so embarresing. Like before they came, she was listening to the group in line before us and then she laughed with them! Not a small chuckle but she laughed! Aayaww….but it was great. I guess the events of this week made me so tired that I took a 7 hour nap. Not sure if I want to call it that anymore. From 4 pm to 11 pm I crash while leaning on my brother during the Charger’s game. Then, since he ws annoyed and my bed had American Apparel clothes all over it, I just slept in his comfy memory foam bed. Maybe it’s time for me to go back to sleep…

1 comment:

  1. Hello tracey! :D Seems like it's forever haha. Just reading your past blogs make me feel happy because I can just imagine you explaining it and laughing at the same time.
    Remember when we biked to Yoshi Sushi and we made those goal for the year??
