Saturday, January 30, 2010


AHhhhhhhhaiosfjueogjaweoigjheafekajhfodafjodiasfdnfaoigjldadfkx,m vuijkdmfnjeikdnjvhewijdklmnvjf
^My exact feeling right now.

My mom is going to kill me. Dang it it's freakin 6 in the morning and I'm such a damn procrastinator. If there's one thing I hate about myself it's my lack of willpower and self-discipline. I have no control. When will I ever learn. It's been years since that time in elementary school that I turned a book report in a week late. Once she finds out that I didn't complete the scholarship I  was planning to turn in she'll get pissed and never let me do anything anymore, even though she still won't let me do anything anyways. For example, where I'm NOT going to be this weekend.
  • Talent Show
  • Rayven’s House
  • Key to College
  • Ally’s Debut
  • Youth Mass
Thanks for never letting me out mom. Another weekend to rot in this house.

AJhhhhhhhhhafrieoklmdjioamklfdedjmjnoksdlmfjhiospklnfjioskm damn it why am I such a retard. I hate doing work and I hate filling for scholarships. I know we really need it but I'm such a ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!
I need to start taking initiative.
Friday January 22, 2010
In N' Out after Estephanie's Harry Potter Themed Surprise Birthday Party

Monday January 25, 2010
Stephanie's Actual Birthday, 4th Period

Tuesday January 26, 2010
At CVS Before Working on the English Midterm

January 28, 2010
Cracey/Tathy Photoshoot

Our Chicago Number to "Roxie"

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

“Tracey, you inspire me.”
-Kelli, when I told Kevin Tran he was wasting tape. This made my day. =)

Sunday, January 17, 2010

My Week in Photos

Saturday, January 9, 2010:
I went to Iron Mountain! 6 miles total! I went with Mr and Mrs. Vidakovich, Crystal and her friend, Des, and others. I love going hiking with them, it’s always fun, adventurous, and healthy! We went pretty late but got to see sun setting and hiked back downhill in the dark. Thank God for flashlights!

Monday, January 11: Accidental matching! “This is why we’re friends.”

Tuesday, January 12:
St. Vincent de Paul with ASB and then Seaport Village, where we found Mr. Prosser’s shirt, but in size 976789656786578xXL.

Wednesday and Thursday: Out Sick. Threw up Wednesday morning @ 2am, 4am, and 5am. My girlies wore pink and paid homage to dirty elbows though!

Friday, January 15: Not a good day for me at all. Things just sucked the last half of the day. A random girl in the bathroom even asked if I was alright. It’s nice to know people care. Friday was also Superhero Day!

Today I just went to the Confirmation Retreat Meeting where I realized that the retreat was on the same weekend of Vietnamese New Year’s. Uh oh. oh well. Just sucks for me. I’m staying home this weekend in order to work on scholarships yet, but what do you think happened? Yep, I got distracted. I really like getting to post pictures from almost everyday up. Perhaps I’ll get to my goal of blogging my life in photos. Sarah Waldorf anyone?

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Roman Holiday

What I spent my afternoon/evening watching. Best Audrey Hepburn movie ever! I can't get over her elegance and the look of the time. Most of all, I can't get that fuzzy feeling of watching a romantic movie out, nor would I want to.
"So happy."