Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The Tenth Circle

Yesturday I forgot to mention that by procrastinating on homework (and thus relecting my bio homework which I think turned out fairly well), I read Jodi Picoult's novel The Tenth Circle in about a day. She's the author of one of my favorite books, My Sister's Keeper which is going to be turned into a movie! In spite of this the tenth circle is only okay. The protagonist really pisses me off sometimes. I hate her reasoning, even if she is raped, geez. Oh, well, it's a good book to read when you're procratinating but I'm not sure if I would recommend it. However, I recommend reading The Gargoyle by Andrew Davidson. Both The Gargoyle and The Tenth Circle repeatedly refers to Dante Alighieri's Inferno. This classic (long) poem has been mentioned so much I really want to read it now! Inferno describes Dante's journey through hell and is where most of modern's impression of hell comes from. There are different circles in which people would reside depending on the sins they made while on earth. Ahhh I want to read it!

At 11:55 am today I had my ASB interview to be Commissoner of Clubs and Fundrasing. I truly hope I make it! I thought I did fairly well but I'm just afraid that others did better than me.

I am so unfit! On Sunday Cheyenne and I started our second week of running and gosh I got tired way too fast! I'm so scared cause in fifteen minutes we're going to run again but we have to go faster! I feel so bad cause I feel like I'm slowing her down! Why can't I be fit?

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